I'm Worry

I'm worry.
Worry bout everything that comes to my life.
My heart seems like pumping more blood then usual.
It doesn't suits me at all.
I can hardly breathe.

If I'm too confident,
It might repeat what had happen last time.
It's all in God's hand.

Too many things than I worry about.
This, That, Those...
Why should all this happen to me?
Can somebody tell me?

These days,
I felt that I became more alone.
And quite.

Is it that I always worry bout things that are unnecessary?
Am I stupid?

There's so many activities going on this month.
I'm too tired for those things.
But I must keep busy for not thinking too much of things.


kathryn said…
bii..ka yao ar !! you can do it..and if got anything just tell me lo..share ma ! so got someone listen to you then will be better than hide it in mind..loads of luck and care !

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