Book Festival

I woke up.
I tried to be spiritual.

Get out from the door.
Saw my brother and his friend staying out all night just to play computer game.
Then as usual.
Walk out, press down, get in, press G, get out, press button, get out.
Well,it mean the process of walking out of a apartment.

Reach school.
All I excited is all about the book festival.
Walk up to the class.
Spend most the time watching the clock on the wall.
It is it!
It's the time!

Walk down.
Saw many members already gather around.

But no use we went down early.
It's because the stupid bus driver, we waited for one hour and thirty minutes.

The funny thing is when we're eating in the bus.
When the bus is turning here and there, our chicken would follow sliding.

We get in there.
Feel like a book festival heaven.
Any book that you wanted is there.

1st target is when I saw RM1.00 each book.
But It's 2007 edition.
Oxford Fajar.
Bought 5.
Well, don't really mind.

2nd target, RM2.00 each book.
Bought 5 too.

When I finished buying books.
Guess who I saw ?!
It's Sultan Perak!
Ermm... Or Pahang?
Well... Never mind .
The thing is I can't have a chance to take picture of him!
All the media is like covering my view.
F Off!

Then after meeting the Almighty,
We went to have lunch at The Mall's Pizza Hut.
Because Sheau Huei like dying to meet the boys.
Well, what to do.
Went there and saw six guys eating.
And one potato actually started to stared at us and said "Hao xin la, Ni men Bu ya chi jiu bu yao zhuo xia lai la!"
F-er again.
And I answer him with " Wo you jiang wo bu yao chi meh?"
Don't think you're rich ok?!
After the small fighting,
Sheau Huei order two Sensasi Delight.
Spagetti and Pizza!
Shared with Sheau Huei.
All I can say bout her is she's a big eater. *wink
And the soup there is fabulous!
But it's not enough hot.
What to do.
By the way I finished it.

After lunch-ing.
Went to gathering place.
Then saw teacher.
And she bought a RM 20 per piece of nationwide
money specimen .
Aww... It's all for PSS.
Love you teacher!

Then the bus arrive.
Something happen,
It's actually an incident.
I didn't do it in purpose also.
I just push her with my hand holding her tight.
And she's angry.
Small Gas!
She didn't even fall.
After she said "Sally ah, You sometimes don't play till so over lah!"
I said sorry.

If you can't play,tell me earlier.
If you don't accept my apology then f off.
There's so many things that I've been worry-ing of.
Please don't add up.

We were like the last to get up to the bus.
I quickly sit beside Sheau Huei.
And she sit beside a Malay girl.

Actually in the bus, I've been thinking bout the thing that happen.
Feel really sorry.
But also angry.

When I arrive to school,
I was hoping teacher could send me back,
But teacher have to sta back.
I immediately walk to Telekom's bus stand.
Waited so long, like about one hour.
And only one bus arrive, f-er again.

Arrive till Suntex bus stand.
I have to walk to my house that is more further than my old house!

The same,
Walk in, Press Up, Get In, Press 3, Get Out, Get In.
Step in my house and immediately went to the toilet.
Then I went in to my room.
1st thing I do is sleep.

Without knowing anything.
It's already 9 PM.
But it's nothing.
It's normal for me.

So many f-er this day.


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