Fun! Yet Dreadful!

Today is quite fun at school.

I don't know what in the world had happen to me.
First, I had decide to talk to Bii.
Hah! Guess what!
Bii actually asked me who is the guy!
Well, I tell her to figure out herself.

Change topic!
Before PJ time, I play like hell with Bii.
Really fun!
Then with Samantha.
Of course, we play like crazy people as usual.
Talk a lot. Play a lot. Hit each other a lot.

When it's PJ time, teacher made decision to let us play "Bola Tampar".
Not really happy, because most of the girls afraid of the almighty ball.
Only me who are very active, because I very good girl!
I listen to teacher and chase after the ball.

After the game, I , Samantha and Vanessa went to the toilet.
Something funny had happen.
We actually used Sam's pencil case to pretend like hand phone.
Weird but fun!

*I know for some of the readers, they might think it's really crazy.

Then we went back to class.
Feel bored then go to Bii's place.
Having chit-chat session.
Talk little only. But played "Kung Fu" much.

Mmm... Really wished to sit with her.
But, it's too late to "Change Your Mind"!

In a moment, I heard some thing that really made me mad.
Gosh! Really can't figure why should SHE has been chosen.
Argh! Really mad at all those f*ckers.
If she can make something perfect, I would not be that mad!
But she don't! She don't even had experience on anything!


Then time went by.

Time to go back.
Well, it's raining.
So, I had to wait inside the passage.
In the same time, I also waiting for HIS arrival.
Looking here and there.
But not even a clue HE's around!

Quite sad.



Are you fun to be with?
Be with me, Can you?
Can I love you for the rest of my life?
Do you mind if I liked you?
Will you mind to be mine?
Have you ever had a crush on any girl?
Will you glimpse on me for a moment?
Will we have any other time to be with each other?

Love You!


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