Comeback Stage!

I think I sound over reacting in that title huh?
I haven't been in this blog for months now!
What have I done to this blog?!!!
It looks dusty yet rusty!

First thing I did when I log in is to remove the player!
Yes! The player! The song aged already.
Not my coffee anymore.

Few days back, when I was searching for some essay papers.
I saw something that is memorable.
That make me goes "How silly I reacted so hard on it."
It's a notebook contain some notes about...
Nursing's steps.
Like Dressing.
Hair shampoo.
Bed making.
Bed bath.
Check temperature.
Other than that actually, the first page is my job.
The compsquad rules.
I still remember how I work so hard memorizing and get used to it.

Those are precious little giant stuff that happen to me.
This lifetime opportunity that happen only once in my life.
It's always gonna be precious.

For my thought,
I think we are the one who rises up the sun.And the other work ward remaining it.
The moment. The winning one.
Is a definitely breath taking moments.

Well, it's gonna be end of the 2010.
I know it's only September.
But the time passes way faster than I thought.
And examinations is coming.

I saw some peoples are working very very hard for it.
But for me.
Haven't started yet.
Not even anything on my fingertips.
I should be scared not.
But I don't.
"Be afraid! Very afraid Sally!!!"


Nah... It doesn't work...

Now I've been thinking about a serious diet!
i mean for real!
But I really needed someone to be there and kept motivating and updating me.
Gosh! Where is the person!?
Come to me baby!

I couldn't just cut off my meals.
I have to do cardio!
Yesh!!! Cardio!!!
And sweats lots!!!
Or maybe cycling and swimming would do.
Every time I went Sunway and swim.
The next day I felt lighter.
Maybe swimming is the thing!
But where and how should I go?

Life is pretty hectic and no meaning for me.
I want a HAPPY teenager life!
Gimme more gimme gimme more.
Not gimme more weight.


I-lek idea to write stuff already.
Then I shall Kuit! here.



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