Birthday = 4th of July = I'm Sorry... = I Love You Guys...

The Almighty Card!

The Scandal Picture! Don't be Jealous that I Took Picture With YeSung!

The Grand Gift!

The Mystery Gift from Teck Lee.

The Head.

The Middle.

The Tail.



Hate you guys!
Why give me such expensive gift!
I'm worthless!
I'm not suit with this expensive gift!
I really don't know that I will get a present like this.

I thought that I'm useless.
I only know how to angry but not to understand.

When I saw the card, there was sooo many people sign it.
I did not know that I have soo many friends other than my "Angels".
You guys make me clear that soo many people in the world care about me.

This was my best birthday ever.
This memory will never be erased.
Even it do erased by itself.
When I saw you guys, I will sure remember it in my heart.

Seriously, I did not expect I would get a gift that are worth more than I think.

I really love the card...
When I took out the card from the plastic bag,
The first I saw is my YeSung and Me!
And I was like...

Last time, I love Super Junior.
But now, I love friends more!

I really would like to go out with you guys and have fun with you guys.
It really disappoint me.
But I know that one day, In a one special day.
We would hang out together.
That is my promise!


To : Kd'

That today morning I treat you as bad as shit.
After you said Happy Birthday to me.
I only gave you a bad respond.

I regretted it after a second.

I'll tell you a reason.

Because from last time,
I do not have much friend that would wish me Happy Birthday.
When it comes to you, A Best-est Friend.
It is hard to give respond.

When you wished me,
I really do not know what respond I should give.
I even wanted to hug you.
But I scared you reject me.

Thank you for editing the card for me.
I really like it.
It gave me a shock and I almost cried.

And the video,
When you asked me to record.
You sure will be disappointed,
Because I kept my tears,
Tears of Happiness.
Actually, when I am typing this blog.
I'm crying already.

Kai di ah...
Be with me okay?
I need you,Because you are the shoulder to lay on.
Do not blame me when I am angry or suddenly moody.
There is always a reason.

For you, I will not accidentally angry you.

Count me in when you planing to travel kay?

Be my family when I lost my real ones, kay?

Sa Rang Hae!!!

To : Ct' aka. Serena

Serena ah...
Why you treat me so good?

The present really touched me.
And I knew it was your plan right?

Maybe I am too annoying when I am in the class.
I know I always kept talking about my YeSung.
And might irritate you.

Sorry yea...

And thank you for the card.

Even though for others they might thought that the card was ugly.
But for me, the card is really pretty and beautiful.
With only one card,
You already gave me tons of meaning.

You even make the word to form the word...

For additional,
I am really touched with the front page.
Because you said to me a thousand times that you hate art.
But you had made a two dimension three layer birthday cake for me.
Really thank you arh....

Some more...
I need to say sorry.
Because I always treat you very bad at school.
+Pull your hair.
+Beat you.
+"Ejek" you.
+Suddenly "Beh Song" you.
+Order you do things for me.
+Always said that your writing and drawing very ugly.
and more...

Sorry, sorry, sorry, sorry.....

Sa Rang Hae!!!


To : Tl'


Eight aunty!!!

First, I really wanted to say....
loads of....
bunch of....
tons of....

Thank You!


You always been there for me.
You would listen although you are not a very good listener.
You would spend time for me just to listen to my problems.

You often gave me a strong aura that you "beh song" me.
But it is good, at least I will found out what is my wrong.

Teck Lee ah...
Don't say that you did not gave me a special present.

For me,
Your present was most unique one.
It was my first time receiving a book with handwriting in it.
It is not a normal word she writing.

But every words gave me full meaning.

Sorry, sorry, sorry, sorry also....

Because you mentioned that I did not gave you a special present.
I promise you.
Next year, wait for my special and special present.

And for the compliment and advise.
I'll take serious note on it.
I'll remember what you wrote for me.
When I am wasting time.
I'll recall back on what you had written.

Thank you too...

For giving me space to make more friends.

But remember!
Our friendship will not lost because of "them".

Your place is irreplaceable.

When I am with them.
I do not have the feeling like with you guys.

Honestly in my heart.

The reason I am good with them.
Is because...
I'm jealous the togetherness that you have with...
+Li Wen

After I have been with them,
It is rather angry and moody.

Because they do not even care about me like you guys did.

Teck Lee ah...
Thank you again...
For understanding me always.

Sa Rang Hae!!!


To : Grace' , Kp' , Shirine' , Lw' , Ht' , Wl' , Kh' ...


Your kindness is hard for me to accept.

You all really treat me very good.

You guys made me know the meaning of friends.

Now I know.

That I have "FRIENDS".

I am Sorry, if I made you guys angry or hate me.

Please do understand.

I do not have a real family.

You guys always treat me as one your family member.

Really love you guys.

Sa Rang Hae!!!


To : Kj' , Kk' , Kk' aka. Lok , Kc' , Mc' , Ck'...


All of you!

Stop being too pervert.

If any girls you like saw,
They definitely 100% reject you guys!

And thank you ah...

For signing the card.

Start being gentlemen from now on.

And lastly,
Do not always make girls angry ya...

Girl's heart is softer than you all think.

Once it poke,
It can't stop bleeding.

Just my advise...


Always be afraid of me.
I'll rape all of you guys someday!
If you guys made me MAD!




JEANLY said…
Rape!? yah lah tu~~~
i'm waiting for it to happen.
happy 15th bithday!

Your babi sister,
_samantha_ha_ said…
sally!!! +iloveu+
i really had lottss of thing to say..
allow me to post it in my blog,coz im afraid i'll write like a thousand words..haha><
seriously,ur words really really really touches me a lot!!
sally,dont worry,i'llmake sure they check out ur blog.
thrs somethin u wrote i totally don agree n dissagree[isnt it d same?]
ok nvm,ur wordss really la touches me lotss!!!
lastly,thank u for trusting me n treat me as ur BEST-EST FRIEND!!!
n hor,i knw ur really creative,bt,cn u b more creative-er??each n evryone aso say sa rang hae..haiyo..sien leh!!

love,another sexy babi,
Tommy CcK said…
Dont mind me viewing your blog right?
Dont rape me,haha xD


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