Whao! It's really been a long long time I haven't blog.
I actually mentioned on Twitter that I will not return to blogspot for the time being.
But rules are meant to be broken.
After so many attempts on logging in this blogger app, finally I succeeded!
It's actually a really simple step to be taken.
Okay, let me first get into the reason why I return to blogspot.

The sole reason for me typing this post for this blog is actually to revive my language skills.
You have no idea how much a new school have changed me.
This new environment really holding me back from everything.
I seriously dislike the environment that I'm now still in.
I just can't wait to get out from there.
Of course, there's always the bright side.
The bright side is actually I have met a lot of crazy friends and also being able to be close again with Kath.
Well, basically other than friends I have no other reason to stay.

It's so different from Perimbun.
The people in Perimbun is so friendly.
Yes, some of them might not score academically but kindness a human's heart can win over a lot of stuffs.
There are so many things to point out from the environment.
So I'll just wrap it up and say NOTHING BEATS PERIMBUN.

While I was still in Perimbun, I don't speak Chinese regularly.
But now!  I speak Chinese every goddamn time.
This habit really grow like an irritating acne.
I really have to turn my head and look at the bright side, I'm leaving in couple of months!
I won't say I'm graduating but I rather say I'm leaving for good!

Hmmm.. I have no idea that I would post this much of stuffs.
I thought it would be awkward to return to blogspot.
Actually I have so many things to voice out here.
I guess I really do miss you everpink-sally.blogspot.com!
Oh! And my display picture are the one that I took few years back.
I should change it to most recent one.
Anyway, I shall stop writing for now.
I'll keep posting about stuffs.
But I guess from wanting to improve my language skills,
I have turned the table around and wanted to get back to my old routine instead.

Okay.. if there's any typo or sentences error. Don't put the blame on me.
I posting this via phone. So.. any mistake just tolerate.
Buh-bye for now!


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