It's been ages when I last posted something.
I planned on writing something long.
But it takes time thou.
Alone in the house with my loud music.

These freaking days, made me go high and low.
Even horizontally and vertically.
Honestly, I don't think they are _._._._ already.
It's now _._._ cause we already kind of agree something that might woop!

I can't say my life gets better.
I kept on making myself to think positive and making the positive way.
But how would I know it's goes negatively?

My friends list.
Only Gods know who is my current friend.
Maybe it's my fault if the list get shorter.
Because it's me who shoo them off.

Someone please bite me hard.
Leave a great big scar will do.
So I got reasons to shed tears.

Totally random post.
I posted what came out from my mind!


_samantha_ha_ said…
is it me?hope so and hope not.
its nice to at least has a feedback from you after the thing.i've apologised and i dont get the reason y arent you forgiving me??i know thr must be a reason behind?yeas.and i it a revenge from your previous post?
idk how we'll get along in future.
but,what i can say is that..leave it to god.and i appreciate our friendship before and the post you mention me before.thanks =)

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