
Atmosphere is getting worst day by day.
Different thoughts made hatred.
How come 2010 begin with this?
Feeling insecure every minute there.

Tried to be thoughtful.
But only this succeed.
Wanted to dodge.
End up being hit badly.

Can anyone glance on?
Casualty needed medic.
Wanted some cure.
Or maybe give up?

Didn't mean to give look.
Jealousy wins from the fight.
Acted weird from ever.
Only the person know.

Humble and humble.
I'm on cloud nine for yours.
Why hurtful for mine?
No meaning.

Something mentioned.
Doesn't mean forever.
You judge me by my cover.
Try to read the content and see.

Interest on owning it.
But don't give me something being owned.
Regret on the answer.
I should say "Yes!"

Indeed look dusty.
Not component for diamond.
Thou needed some care.
Or just keep it.


Every paragraph meant something.
It's like story one by one.


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