I'm Excited or Excited Not?

Too bored and always bored.
Life after PMR sure are pocket killer.
And tomorrow probably gonna spend lots of money again.
To Sunway Lagoon!

Here are the list of my buddies who are going.
Let me start with my self...
1. Sally +
2. Natalie +
3. Serena +
4. Wai Ling +
5. Gladys +
6. Ke Jun +
7. Li Wen +
8. Tommy +
9. Kwon-Ki +
10. Kah Kit +
11. Kah Jun
Fun? (Please be)

Looking at the list,
I felt very moody and guess what?
I'm not happy.
I'm over down because of my pig Samantha is not going!
And Serena and I probably become the outsider.

All I can count on is only the boys!
To produce what they should produce!

Damn I hate hanging out with the non-crazy.

Where are you when I needed you?

I packed my things way earlier.
And in my bag there are...
1. T-Shirt
2. Pants
3. Undergarment
4. Towel
5. Toiletries
6. Comb + Mirror
7. Tissue + Wet tissue
8. Purse
and tomorrow I'll sure add
9. Face Cleanser
10. Key

Now I'm wondering whether to bring a jacket or not.
Guess I have to have question and answer segment again.

By the way,
I felt that I have been wasting money.
How can I pay back?
Gosh gosh gosh!

Add on,
I'm going to karaoke to celebrate Serena's birthday.
And it's definitely ripping my pocket.
Help me!
I need a guy called ATM to help me.
Spit out money for me!


And and!
I cut my hair.
And felt like "Ermm... New again?"
I continuously change my hair style three time already.
And all in shorts.
Got a feeling it looks like Natalie's sister.



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