Mean Girls

It's been a long time since I hardly even blog.
Time's incredible.
It passes so quickly than I thought.

Just watch some Family Outing* and Mean Girls by Lindsay Lohan.
Actually I'm planning to study this whole "early" morning.
But I can't control myself.
It's like some system in my body just work by itself.

With my title on Mean Girls.
When I watch the movie.
I was so jealous how the girls can do.
They are sooo damn pretty.
The way they react!
No comments on those bitchy sluts.

Maybe our school could try to have some pretty girls acting like bitch.
Instead of those we called "Big Sister".
High school in States are way meaner.
It's hard to get through high school life there.

And something keep me wonder.
Our age in Malaysia and States might be the same.
They are way more matured looking.
Even looking by its physical or mentally.

The students which age like fifteen have slightly huge physical appearance.
I mean the two parts!
What do they eat?
Are they creatures?

Sometimes I like the States.
They're more open than here.
But acting way too open isn't good neither.

Just be grateful on what I have now.
Life goes on and on and on.

Me Love Life!

Family Outing* = Korean variety show.


None said…
Meh!! You haven't seen me!!
I am a lengzai now!
True fact :P

The girl? She's in 3 Nurani if I'm not wrong. I think you don't know her. She was in 2 Maju during form 2.

Haha. Dun worry about your size la. They say chubby and cute ma. Its the personality that counts and you got full of it.

Remember to study k? The truth is SMKP got more smart and well disiplined students than Penang Free School.

Do ur best!!

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