
Can anyone just listen to everything that comes towards our eardrum? The sound that hit our eardrum continuously. With a tempo. It's so miracle. Why can't human accept the voice that comes as a advice? It is just the matter of accepting and change. It is hard for other to produce repeated voice. Continuously. Can You Hear ? The sound of... Clock - Ticking. Shows time, Passes by and can't be return. It is so precious that it can bring memories. Once it is passed. It's over. Who invented time? If the person is dead, I wish I could dig him/her from the grave and revive him/her. To reinvent the time to be more than 24 hours. Everybody wants extra time. Our daily activities is so limited. And also movement too. Time ticking. Tic-Toc. [Continuously] The sound of... Small Kid - Crying. Show emotions. It is so soft. That it touches my heart. Who did it? And why did you made the kid cry? They are so innocent. Sometimes, Nobody understand them. Understand what they felt. Maybe le...