Friday's Sucker!

I guess today was a restless day.
Because I can't go back to my sweet home.
It was a busy day!

Okay, Let me start.
Morning,went to school.
Nothing special happen at first.
Then when my Bahasa Melayu teacher came.
She carrying some books then quietly put her things down.

Her first sentences came out!
"Siapa yang buat bising semalam sila berdiri sekarang."
Nobody stand up. Then she continued.
"Siapa yang buat, siapa yang berani tanggung."
Then few seconds later.
Lok Kah Kit, Koon Kah Jun, Tey Kah Chuen and Lee Kwon-Ki stand up.
I and Serena were a little bit confused.
Stand or Not Stand.
We kept questioning each other.
"We got make noise or not?"
And the decision made!
Not to Stand!

Then teacher talk a lot.
She said that our class were a sucker!
She also said we are actually brilliant student but not a genius student.
Make me felt like want to kill myself.
I'm too stressed out!
Some more she kept talking about "KRK"!
"Class for The Specialty!"
She talked about thirty-five minutes continuously.
But I know teacher was actually wanted the best for us.

As time goes by,
School time is over.
I went to the library as usual.
For duty.
Then me and Grace went to buy our food.
Finish eating,
Then straight to the library for official duty.
Gosh! Damn a lot of work.
Pn. Sakinah kept asking me to do this and that.
I walk around the library like a serious case maniac.
Then finally my work in the library done.
BUT! I still have to do my school Great Wall's mural.
Before went to the Great Wall,
I and Grace went to the store room to see whether got any useful thing to take.
And the conclusion is...
Well,It was OKAY only.
We took some paint that were already kept for thousand years ago.
Then we carried those antiques to Great Wall.
Saw the pitiful Lok Kah Kit and Chin Chee Keong.
They were painting the background colour.
But Eww!
Their work was........
only OKAY!
Then we put down the things then help them to polish up their UNDONE works.
Without care what we were wearing.
* I'm wearing a Malay Baju Kurung!
What to do.
Just have to face it.
If not? Make myself nude?!

Then Grace and I work together to finish up the sentences
"Keris Lembing Tiada Tajam,Lebih Tajam Mulut Manusia!"
Then a funny thing happen.
When I and Kah Kit was busy-ing painting the other wall.
Grace said :"It looks like Vandalism!"
Then Kah Kit and I laugh.
Then Kah Kit came to help us with those words.
When he first paint the "R" word,
He paint like only inside.
He said it was very nice.
Then I said :"It looks like you have not done your work yet!"
Laugh again.
Quite happy when I knew my name was going to be written down on the wall on Monday.

Then something made me quite mad.
Is about one guy who I knew was the perfect shoe polisher,
Came and say he wanted to help!
It was already 80% complete!
Stupid fucker!

About 4.30pm,
I knew I was seriously late to Kathryn house.
And the Wesak Duty is at 5.30pm.
I walk as fast as Michael Phelps.

I reached her house.
Then I saw her mom were moping the floor so I "SHOUTED" : "Aunt!"
Guess what!
No reaction made.
Then went to her room.
I was quite "polite" then.
I kept "cleaning" up her things.
Then only I went to bathe.

Finish bathe then I went to her dining room to have half lunch half dinner.
Quite funny.
Cause we kept teasing each other.
Then when we were teasing , teasing and teasing.
I suddenly said that I was a "Gangster".
I don't know what had happen to me.
But we thought it was quite funny.
Then laugh and laugh and laugh like crazy.

We quickly finished up our meal then we headed to school.
And by the way, I brought a big bottle to school.
Of course, Is for drinking.
The later, the Pauline said:"Can not bring bottle."
I was like.
I have no choice but to head back to Kathryn house again.

Later on,
Our van to Sg. Chua came.
I felt quite excited and nervous.
Then went inside the van.
Sat with Eunice. *Ermm...
Nothing to talk.
Then sitting behind my was The Great Almighty Ah Pon.
Hate to say this but he is really quite sissy.
Played with him a while then took some pictures with The Awesome Three!

Not longer later,
We had reached Sg. Chua.
By looking at the window, I saw St. John members from many kind of school.
Like Yu Hua, Convent , High School and Jalan Bukit (did not saw that coming) .

Since we have waited too long.
Shirine decided to visit the toilet.
Well, we searched for it for like more than 5 minutes.
Cause it was like no where!
Then we have finally decided to ask the workers (kinda) where was the toilet.
We found it.
But it was like hell!
Stairs, open aired, dark and ermm.... *things that exist in the toilet.
Then in front of the toilet was a big hall.
With nobody in there.
Then the Great Polisher called Serena to see something.
He showed Serena some scene from Wang Lee Hom's concert.
Then Serena was like "Wow!!!!"
Her voice was like hitting the unknown high note.
We were like " What's wrong?"
Then we immediately came out from The Hell.
Everyone outside was like "Who shouted?"
As usual, she does not admit it.

Skip! *Those unwanted part.

Then it was time for grouping.
I was at the end.
Then when the officer came to us.
Saying that I'm going to group with THE Convents.
Oh My Gosh!
It was the Ex-Nc!
Then we "Keluar Baris".
Not even reached one second,
Those Convents talk bad bout us!
Whispering to each other, looking at us and rolling their eyes on us!

I can't stay with them any longer then I and Serena suggested to switch the witch!
Then when the first time.
They were like "What?"
Then we like not giving up.
The second time.
Luckily there was a girl.
Who helped us a lot by talking a little.
Phew! That was quick!

Relieve that I success to switch with those Convents.
Paired with Serena.
Then during the waiting,
We play a lot, crap a lot, sing a lot and joke a lot.
With who?
With Uncle Zi En.
Kind of fun.
He kept on touching his lips.
Then close his mouth when he laugh.
Another sissy.
He always kept smiling by himself.
*Mie Mie...

During the chit-chatting session,
I get to know two of the Jalan Bukit's members.
One named Kevin and other is W.L.Tiew.
Talk a lot and laugh a lot.
When we were waiting for the parade,
I saw many couples walking by and walking here and there.
And I "He" came up on my mind.
I wish that we would attend this kind of parade together.
But I still know that hanging out with you is quite impossible.
Bang! Shoot Him off my head.

Few minutes later the first parade came.
When it came across in front me,
The car would spray a kind of water.
It smells quite weird.
As I knew now,
We could make a wish when the water sprayed on us!
But the time, I don't know bout this.
Well, never mind.
Then one by one the team set off.
And its our turn,
Our location is behind the 1st car.
Well, nothing special bout the location.
Then we started walking.
In the same time,
I felt very grateful.
Even I myself don't know why.
But the kind of feeling is like,
You won't get it on any day.
Only this day.

In the journey of walking five kilometer,
I talked a lot with Serena.
We talk bout school, friends , and of course gossips.
Well, one thing came up on my mind.
I rather walk the parade with Kathryn.
Because me and her have nothing much to talk and nothing much to laugh.
Maybe it's me the problem.
I admit. I hate her.

Bang! Second bullet is on her.
Then in the half way back, there's one teacher giving of mineral water and some drinks.
At first I asked Serena whether she want water or not then she quickly say:
"I want! I want! Take one for me!"
Then I was like : "Okay..."
Took one bottle of mineral water,
Then I thought it was over.
One teacher pulled me off then gave us two Soya Bean drinks.
*Only us have it!

The journey almost finish.
Then I was happy because whole roads in Kajang is open for us to walk!
And cars were being pushed off.

At last, We reached back to the hall.
Few teams already arrive.
Then we were very exhausted.
But we did not sit!
Still Strong!
Then the Pauline came.
She was like a pig who walk like further than us.
When all the members and officers came back,
We quickly being fall in.
Then one of the officer gave a short brief.
When the briefing's over, Off we go!

It's was time for photography session.
I took picture with Shirine , Elaine , and Serena.
Finish taking photos.
We walk out from the area and went in to the van.
This time, I sat beside Serena.
And Ah Pon sat behind us.
In the same time,
We took picture together.

When I almost arrive to school,
Only I knew that Pauline's driver can fetch me back.
So I decide to ask Pauline to fetch me back instead of Shirine's father.

Then I came back home.
Thanks to Pauline.......


Wesak Day!
A day which I wish to celebrate it with you.
Make wish together.
Walk the road then never ends together.
I miss you so much.
But I also not miss you.
What I want?
I don't know!
Maybe it's really you that I wanted.


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